Managing and Integration Services

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Coupling defines the interdependencies or connections between components of a system. Loose coupling helps reduce the risk of cascading failures between components.

  • Tight coupling: Tightly coupled components are highly dependent on each other. (Monolithic Application)

  • Loose coupling: Loosly coupled components are connected but not dependent on each other. (Microservices)

Queue are used to implement loosely coupled systems.

Simple Queue Service (SQS)

SQS is a message quering service that allows you to build loosely coupled systems.

  • Allows component-to-component communication using messages

  • Multiple components (or producers) can add messages to the queue

  • Messages are processed in an asynchronous manner

There are often times that users of your applications need to notified when certain events happen.

Simple Notification Service (SNS)

SNS allows you to send emails and text messages from your applications.

  • Send emails and messages

  • Publish messages to a topic

  • Subscribers receive messages

SNS in the real world

Send an email when the CPU utilization of an EC2 instance goes above 80%.

SNS works with CloudWatch when an alarm’s metric threshold is breached to send an email.

Simple Email Service (SES)

SES is an email service that allows you to send richly formatted HTML emails from your applications.

  • Ideal choice for marketing campaigns or professional emails

  • Unlike SNS, SES sends HTML emails

SES in the real world

Send a marketing email and track open or click-through rates.

SES allows you to send richly formatted HTML emails in bulk and gain valuable insights about the effectiveness of your campaign.

Last updated