Machine Learning Services

Artificial intelligence (AI) teaches computers to do thing that normaly require human intelligence.

Businesses leverage AI and machine learning to add intelligence to their applications and leverage trends and patterns in data.


Rekognition allows you to automate your image and video analysis.

  • Image and video analysis

  • Identify custom labels in images and videos

  • Face and text detection in images and videos


Comprehend is a natural-language processing (NLP) service that finds relationships in text.

  • Natural-language processing (NLP) service

  • Uncovers insights and relationships

  • Analyzes text


Polly turns text into speech.

  • Mimics natural-sounding human speech

  • Several voices across many languages

  • Can create a custom voice


SageMaker helps you build, train, and deploy machine learning models quickly

  • Prepare data for models

  • Train and deploy models

  • Provides Deep Learning AMIs


Translate provides language translation.

  • Provide real-time and batch language translation

  • Support many languages

  • Translates many content formats


Lex helps you build conversational interfaces like chatbots.

  • Recognizes speech and understands language

  • Build highly engaging chatbots

  • Powers Amazon Alexa

Last updated