Content Delivery Services

Content Delivery Network (CDN)

A CDN is a mechanism to deliver content quickly and efficiently based on geographic location.

Latency simply means the time it takes to respond to a request, and a CND provides low latency.

Amazon CloudFront

CloudFront is a CDN that delivers data and applications globally with low latency

  • Makes content available globally or restricts it based on location

  • Speeds up delivery of static and dynamic web content

  • Uses edge locations to cache content

CloudFront in the real world

  1. S3 static websites: CloudFront is often used with S3 to deploy content globally.

  2. Prevent attacks: CloudFront can stop certain web attacks, like DDoS.

  3. IP address blocking: Geo-restriction prevents users in certain countries from accessing content.

Amazon Global Accelerator

Global Accelerator sends your users through the AWS global network when accessing your content, speeding up delivery.

  • Improves latency and availability of single-Region applications

  • Sends traffic through the AWS global network infrastructure

  • 60% performance boost

  • Automatically re-routes traffic to healthy available regional endpoints

Amazon S3 Transfer Acceleration

Amazon S3 Transfer Acceleration improves content uploads and downloads to and from S3 buckets.

  • Fast transfer of files over long distances

  • Uses CloudFront’s globally distributed edge locations

  • Customers around the world can upload to a central bucket

Last updated